Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday's B-day Party and Colts Game

Sunday we went to a B-day party for Ella. Alexis had a great time playing with all of Ella's toys! They did a Pinata and of course Alexis brought home as much candy as she could get her hands on.
One of Ella's b-day presents was a doll crib for her little baby doll and Bryson had fallen asleep a couple times over there so instead of laying him down on the couch we used Ella's new b-day present (HA)!
Devin thought it was so rude us putting him in a baby doll crib with a PINK blanket but he didn't know any different and he slept so good in there LOL
Bryson ready to watch the game


Anonymous said...

So cute and bryson looks like a little stud in that hat!!

Melissa Ann Rodgers said...

Oh my goodness what great pictures! Love them!

Oh yes, and you have been tagged. :)

Brenda (Jacobs) Howard said...

Poor boy. He is going to catch a hard time about those pictures when he is a lot older. Oh the dread of the pink, black mail pictures for later in life. LOL.

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